Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Meeting with Prime Minister of Malaysia Anwar Ibrahim

The Russian delegation included
Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov Lavrov SergeiMinister of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation , Deputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential
Executive Office Maxim Oreshkin Oreshkin MaximDeputy Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office , Presidential Aide Yury Ushakov Ushakov YuryAide to the President , Economic
Development Minister Maxim Reshetnikov Reshetnikov MaximMinister of Economic Development of the Russian Federation , Minister of Science and Higher
Education and Co-Chair of the Joint Russia-Malaysia Commission for Economic,
Scientific, Technical and Cultural Cooperation Valery Falkov Falkov ValeryMinister of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation , Energy Minister
Sergei Tsivilev Tsivilev SergeiMinister of Energy of the Russian Federation , and Deputy Defence Minister Alexander Fomin.
* * *
President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr Prime Minister, friends and colleagues,
Welcome to Russia and to Vladivostok.
Mr Prime Minister, I would like to begin by thanking you for accepting our invitation to come here and attend the Eastern Economic Forum. Tomorrow, we will take part in its plenary session, and I am certain that this will be a useful event for discussing our objectives in bringing the regional economies closer together. In fact, we have many guests
here from dozens of countries, which means that you will be able to engage in useful contacts not only with your Russian colleagues, but also with colleagues
from other countries.
Of course, I do hope that we will
have an opportunity to explore ways to expand our cooperation as part of these
efforts. Today, trade between our countries amounts to about $3.5 billion,
which can hardly be considered a satisfactory result for us considering the potential we have. In fact, there are many opportunities on both sides.
As you
know, Russia pays considerable attention to developing its relations with
Southeast Asia and ASEAN. Malaysia plays a prominent
role in this association, and will be assuming the chairmanship of ASEAN next
year. We sincerely hope that during your chairmanship, we will be able to explore new opportunities for cooperation with this rapidly growing and promising region.
To conclude my opening remarks, I would like to congratulate you and the Malaysian leadership, as well as the entire nation on Independence Day, the national holiday you have celebrated
recently. As far as I know, it is observed on August 31. I would like to use
this opportunity to wish the people of Malaysia all the best, prosperity and wellbeing.
Prime Minister of Malaysia Anwar Ibrahim: Thank you, President Putin. First of all, let me
express on behalf of my delegation how pleased we are to be here in Vladivostok
and in a great country, Russia, which we admire and follow very closely. First
and foremost, this includes its literature and the great novelists, and then of course its strength: economic, technological and space.
I think that as a country that believes in centrality,
engaging with all countries, we, of course, decided to come with a big team to show our sincere attempt to enhance our collaboration. There is enormous
potential that you have in Russia. You have done so much. And it is to our
benefit too, if you could share this and collaborate in all fields.
You have shown your determination to be able to undertake difficulties and survive. I think that we will certainly benefit from
this experience. Of course, we in ASEAN too look forward for your
participation. As you know, ASEAN is always engaged with Russia. We have open
trade with a focus on semiconductors and some other related fields, and I look
forward to working with you and your team. Even more so, Mr President, I agree
with you – the potential is huge. We have not fully utilised ours.
During our initial discussions when we were preparing
to come here – this was not an easy feat, but we took this decision – and I think that this was the right decision. We have decided to enhance in all
fields with you, and I am certainly looking forward to better relations,
personal and governmental collaboration in all fields. So I must take this
opportunity to thank you personally for giving time in your busy schedule today.
We would, of course, look forward to an effective
follow-up programme since the discussion must not end here. I can assure you
that when I assume the chairmanship of ASEAN, we will make sure that my colleagues in ASEAN take the same position to enhance our collaboration with
Thank you.
